Shock Warehouse Specials
Shock Warehouse Specials
Rebates on Koni, Rancho, KYB, and Monroe. Lowest prices on KYB, Monroe, Rancho, Fox, Koni, Bilstein and others
At Shockwarehouse, we think our customers are the greatest. We truly appreciate your business and want you to keep coming back. So, have some discount codes! The following discount codes and specials are valid through the month of August. Be sure to like/follow us on Facebook and Twitter for even more codes.
KYB is not running any promotions right now. We will update here when one becomes available. Check back often.
Rancho is not running any promotions right now. We will update here when one becomes available. Check back often.
Monroe is not running any promotions right now. We will update here when one becomes available. Check back often.
KONI is not running any promotions right now. We will update here when one becomes available. Check back often.
Save $10 on any Arnott Order over $300
Use Code ARN10
Airlift Rebate
Buy any qualifying Air Lift on-board air compressor system AND have it installed by an authorized installer and get $75 back!
Buy any qualifying Air Lift air spring kit AND have it installed by an authorized installer and get $75 back!
Get both AND have it installed by an authorized installer and get $150 back!
Rebate is provided directly from Airlift. Click here for the rebate form.
Bilstein Specials
Unfortunately Bilstein is not running any promotions this month but that doesn't matter. We have the lowest advertised prices in the business, free shipping over $95 and large amounts of in-stock inventory. Order today!
Forum Discounts:
Are you a member of a car, truck or RV forum? Tell us about your forum and we can negotiate a discount for forum members Contact us toll free at 800-245-7469 or email us here.
Note on Forum discounts: Forum Discounts are for forum members only. Shockwarehouse reserves the right to remove a forum discount code from an order for unauthorized use. (IE: Consumer ordering BMW parts and uses a Ford discount code).