Technical Support Form

Technical Support Form

Having trouble finding the right shocks for your vehicle? Have a modified or unique vehicle that isn't in the catalog? Looking for custom shocks or trying to figure out which shock is right for your vehicle? Fill out the form below and one of our shock technicians will happily assist you with any technical questions you may have. Please use the form below and provide as much information as possible to ensure you get a quick and accurate response.

Customer Service

All customer service questions should use the Customer Service Form


All return requests and inquiries must use the Return Form.


For warranty requests and inquiries, please see the Warranty Help Form

Your question may already have been answered. Visit the Shockwarehouse FAQ to see.

Except on weekends or holidays, your email should be answered the same day or next day. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for incorrect email address', out of date email-boxes, or email refused by your mail-server. Please note that we do not sell of distribute any information we receive on this form. It's only purpose is to provide information to a Customer. For more about our policies, please see our Privacy Notice web page.



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