Special Orders

Special Orders

Shockwarehouse makes an effort to keep all popular parts in stock at our warehouse for same day shipping. Same day shipping is available on 90% of all orders, but some parts may not be available for immediate fulfillment and need to be special ordered from the manufacturer. These special order items typically ship within 5-10 business days from order date. Please call 1-800-245-7469 to confirm in stock status before ordering any item in emergency repair situations. Special Order items can be drop shipped from shockwarehouse affiliated warehouses throughout the country at a cost of $10. Rush dropships are also available at extra cost. Please call to place these orders.

Special Returns

In the case of returns for items that are incorrectly ordered by the customer, Shockwarehouse does not charge restocking or shipping fees if a replacement order is placed. We charge a $10 processing fee on all incorrect order returns, taken from the refund amount. All replacement orders will be charged in full at the time of fulfillment. Refunds will be given at the time the incorrectly ordered items are received according to Shockwarehouse's return policies. A reorder must be placed before return is refunded in order to avoid restocking fees.

Custom and Race Shocks

Race shocks and custom length shocks are sometimes available in customer-specified valving. For custom-valved shock orders, please contact Shockwarehouse technical at swtech@shockwarehouse.com or at 800-245-7469. All custom-valved shock orders must be paid in full before work begins. Returns on custom-valved shocks may not be accepted, please call for more information.



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